
  • Address: Pitkäkatu 2
  • Opening Hours: See the pages of AaltoAlvari.
  • Services: Gym and swimming. 
  • Facilities: Aquatic center and gym
  • Dressing rooms and showers: Gender-segregated shower-equipped changing rooms, showers and sauna.  
  • Lockers: Lockable storage lockers. Key/card available at the reception. 
  • Entrance: Access through the main entrance of Aalto Alvari. 
  • Information: Aalto Alvari reception. Reception phone: 014 569 4296, liikunta.aaltoalvari[a]jyvaskyla.fi 
  • Description of the facility: Aalto Alvari is the largest aquatic center in Jyväskylä. For more information about the pools, you can read here.  
    The gym's modern equipment allows for diverse workout routines.